
Hello! My name is Jonathan Faxas Gutierrez. Some of my identities include Filipino, Cuban, Queer, Cis-Male, Meditator, Movement and Flow Enthusiast. I grew up in South Florida and currently live in the beautiful desert of Tucson, AZ where I have lived since 2016.

Many years ago, I attended a Tantric yoga and meditation retreat that was based on emotional healing. During this retreat, I realized how disconnected I was from my own body and emotions. This started a long process of reconnecting to my body through therapy, somatics, meditation, rock climbing, and yoga. Learning to feel my body and emotions deeply, has led me to live a more meaningful and dynamic life rooted in purpose.

Along with reconnecting with my body, I have learned how to be vulnerable and share openly with others. This was a skill developed through 8+ years of men’s group work as a facilitator and participant. This promoted deep personal growth and has fueled my passion for helping men connect and experience life more fully. My intention is to bring presence, compassion and openness in the hopes of offering the world more meaningful connections.

My vision is to live in a world where people have the ability to check-in with their body’s, to notice what is alive in them. Once they are able to do this with presence and compassion, then they can move towards living with flow and joy.

I have my BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida and I previously worked in this field for 8 years. I have completed both the Mindfulness Coaching School and the Hakomi Somatic Coaching trainings and have my ACC coaching credential with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I also work as a Leadership Coach with LaTonya Wilkins at Change Coaches.


“I am better at setting boundaries for others, making time for self care and feeling how my body feels about things in my life as opposed to listening to my head which is full of programming and conditioning. When I first started seeing Jonathan I was dealing with so many different emotions, especially anger, which was only because of the pain I felt inside. Jonathan has helped and is helping me to work through it, to feel it, to find balance in my life and to help me embrace my true authentic self.

– Maly

I came to Jonathan to have an objective perspective on my life to assist in better thinking and emotional wellbeing. I didn’t anticipate connecting with my body so much, let alone realize how disconnected I had been. Over the past number of months, my decisions have served me more, and I feel more aligned with my inner being. I HIGHLY recommend working with him.


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Website by Cuberoot Media LLC.

Somatic & Mindfulness Life Coaching in-person in Tucson, AZ as well as online internationally.


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